Disciplinary process

All disciplinary action for misconduct must be carried out fairly by the employer, or the employee may have grounds to raise a personal grievance.

What is disciplinary process?

Disciplinary action should be seen as a corrective measure which is aimed at preventing further misconduct. Following a proper disciplinary process will help an employer resolve an issue before it becomes bigger or impacts more widely on the workplace.

The most common types of disciplinary action are warnings and, in serious cases, dismissal. Disciplinary action can also include:

The employer must set out in writing the disciplinary process, what actions may be taken and when, and what type of behaviours are considered misconduct and serious misconduct. This could be included in the employment agreement

Employment agreements contain the terms and conditions of employment. Every employee must have a written employment agreement outlining the terms and conditions of employment. ‘Employment agreement’ has a broader meaning that includes all other documents and other agreements forming part of the contractual agreement between the employee and employer.

or workplace policies and procedures so that everyone knows where they stand before any issues come up.

Disciplinary action must always be fair and reasonable. The employer must:

If the employer does not have a good reason for the disciplinary action, or did not follow a fair process, the employee may have grounds for raising a personal grievance.

Following a fair process

If an employer wants to discipline an employee for misconduct, they must have good reason for doing so. Disciplinary action might include a warning, suspension or dismissal.

Usually, procedures for disciplinary action will be written in the employment agreement or workplace policies. These must be followed. Where there is no agreed procedure, employers should use a careful, thorough and fair process.


If you think an employee is not doing their job or is performing poorly in relation to their employment agreement, this may be a performance issue. There are both informal and formal ways to manage performance issues, which are different to the disciplinary process explained here.

Steps for employers to take

The following is a step-by-step process that employers may find useful.

Check if there is an agreed disciplinary procedure before starting, and make sure that you follow it.

If necessary, do some preliminary investigations to decide whether a disciplinary process is required. For example, read documents like emails, or speak briefly with someone who saw what happened.

If you need to talk with any other employees, take care not to embarrass the employee being investigated in case the concern turns out to be unfounded.

An initial conversation may provide clarity as to whether there is an issue to be resolved or addressed. Once you are satisfied that there is a good reason to have a conversation with the employee about the problem, go to step 2.

Send the employee a letter advising them what you know about the matter and why you think there may be a problem.

In certain serious situations, you may need to consider whether suspension is necessary.

Investigate the problem or allegation properly before taking any action against the employee. The nature of the investigation will depend on many factors including the seriousness of the issue and the potential consequences.

If the issue is minor, you may decide to just have a conversation with the employee.

If, after investigating the problem, you consider that the problem may amount to misconduct or serious misconduct, you should send the employee a letter inviting them to a meeting.

Letter of invitation to employee

At the meeting

If the employee gives an explanation or provides information that was not available before, or which requires further investigation, you should check this to make sure it is (more likely than not) true or correct.

You must tell the employee about your intention to investigate in the same way you did at the start of the process.

If you need a second formal meeting after further investigation:

The employee is entitled to bring a representative or support person to the meeting.

If you think that disciplinary action might now be an option:

You must provide the employee with a ‘preliminary decision’, including details of any proposed disciplinary action.

Meet the employee and give your final decision.

Confirm your final decision in writing.


These sample letters only provide an example of how these may be written. They may not suit all disciplinary circumstances.

Common mistakes

Some common mistakes made by employers when carrying out a disciplinary or dismissal process are: